
氢氧化铝浆液一部分进分级机,分级底流为合格产品,送过滤分离、洗涤氢氧化铝分级采用法国NEYRTEC公司生产的水力旋流器。大部分送种子过滤机进行固液分离后返回分解首槽作种子Neyrtec® Tasster® screw press: the efficient solution for paper mill sludge dewatering TASSTER ® SCREW PRESS NEYRTEC® TASSTER® screw press is the efficient solution for paper miW~ Crankshafgtrindingmachine Languagelaboratory Coldroomand freezerroom Milllaboratorpyulpbeater VHFradiorelaysystemforrural telecommuniions Frequenccyonverter

This paper discusses a water analogue model study conducted at Neyrtec's Research & Test Centre to design an efficient furnacepollution collection system in whic
